26 March 2015

Congrats to client Kimberly Bell!

My client Kimberly Bell is now a Golden Heart finalist for her historical romance A CONVENIENT ENGAGEMENT. I am so proud of her and her sassy, saucy manuscript that I fell in love with from day one!

RWA (Romance Writers of America) posted the finalists for both the Golden Heart (unpublished manuscripts) and RITA (published novels) awards today. You can check out all the wonderful nominees HERE.

And if you're unfamiliar with the Golden Heart and RITA awards, how they're chosen, and their significance in the romance industry, feel free to read up on them HERE (GH) and HERE (RITA).

Also, a big congrats not only to Kimberly, but to all the other writers, editors, agents and publishers on their nominations. Hooray for all, hooray for romance!